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Introductory conference

Admin | March 30, 2022

The introductory conference of the project "Development of an expert system for managing the production and processing of food products" was successfully held.

On Monday, March 29, 2021, starting at noon, an introductory conference was held at FERIT, Kneza Trpimira 2b, Osijek, where we are partners with the company Gauss d.o.o. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development, Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020, within the Call "Strengthening capacities for research, development and innovation", KK., and is implemented by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and of information technologies Osijek in cooperation with the company Gauss d.o.o.

The project implementation period is from December 21, 2020. until 21.12.2023. (36 months), and its total value is HRK 8,767,001.53, of which HRK 6,099,667.51 were granted as grants.

The project's general goal is to direct research in the S3 thematic area "Food and bio-economy" and under the thematic priority area "Sustainable food production and processing" according to the economy's needs.

Specific goals of the project: development of a production support system in the food industry through the application of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) technology; encouraging faster change in the field of smart agriculture through the development of a new expert system; accelerating the development of future IT platforms for managing the production of crops, especially those grown in closed, controlled conditions.

We believe that developing production support systems in the food industry through the application of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) technology will help small and medium-sized farmers in their work and efficiency.

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